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This website is the official website of CRITEX, Innovative Equipment for the Critical Zone.
Institution for Higher Education and Research
1, rue Jussieu – 75238 Paris cedex 05
Phone: +33 (0)1 83 95 74 00
Fax: +33 (0)1 83 95 77 14
Director of publication: Jérôme Gaillardet
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The site of CRITEX is the exclusive property of CRITEX partners1, protected by the French and international legislation on intellectual property rights. No reproduction or representation may be made in contravention of the rights of CRITEX resulting from the aforementioned legislation.
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- CRITEX partners: Universities: Strasbourg university, Montpellier II university, Paul Sabatier university (Toulouse III), Institut de Physique du globe de Paris, Paris 7 university, Pierre and Marie Curie university, Joseph Fourier university (Grenoble), Avignon and pays de Vaucluse university, Franche Comté university, Rennes 1 university, Université de Bretagne Occidentale, Institut Polytechnique de Toulouse, Agrocampus Ouest, Supagro ; Research centers and companies: Centre National de Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Institut de Recherche et développement (IRD), Institut national de Recherche Agronomique (INRA), Bureau des Ressources Géologiques et Minières (BRGM), Institut National de Recherche en Sciences et Technologies pour l’Environnement et l’Agriculture (IRSTEA)