2017 CRITEX meeting, Grenoble

On May 10-12 2017, a plenary meeting of CRITEX was held at Institut des Géosciences de l’Environnement de Grenoble (IGE) and Centre de l’Escandille, Autrans. Approximately 100 participants (WP leaders, site managers, guests and external members, ANR representative) met for three days to take stock of the program avancement and to think about the best ways to study the critical zone of the program associated observatories using CRITEX tools.

Critex Meeting program, 2017, Grenoble (french only)

Critex posters book


Great witnesses

  • Thierry LEBEL “Are the Sustainable Development Goals (SDOs) an issue for scientists? “
  • Harry VEREECKEN “The Tereno experimental design”
  • Lou DERRY “Critical Zone Observatory : The US network”

ORAL SESSION 1. Theme: « Instruments de la ZC – Un instrument, plusieurs sites»

Evaluation of evapotranspiration by microwave scintillometry (J.M. COHARD)

Potential of imaging drones for the monitoring of the critical zone (P. ALLEMAND)

Hybrid gravimetry applied to hydrology (J. HINDERER)

The RIPLE hydrosedimentary platform (Y. MICHIELIN)

Magnetic Resonance Sounding available for the CRITEX community: how it works and how to use it? (A. LEGCHENKO)

ORAL SESSION 2. Theme: “Example of the use of Critex instruments on watersheds – One site, several instruments”

Observatory of the critical zone at Orgeval (G. TALLEC)

Critex au Strengbach (MC PIERRET)

High-frequency temporal measurement of the hydro-chemical flows of the critical zone: ORE Agrhys (O. FOVET)

Characterization of recharge fluxes at different time scales and observation in a karstic environment (JL SEIDEL)

Long-term experiments and follow-ups on the Fractured Critical Zone of Ploemeur (L. LONGUEVERGNE)

The study of the Critical Zone on the AMMA Catch Observatory in Benin (M. DESCLOITRES)

Infrastructure presentations

OZCAR  Presentation (I. BRAUD)

RESIF Presentation (H. PEDERSEN)