Tag Archives: Géophysique

SWIP: un workflow intégré pour l’inversion et le profile de la dispersion des ondes de surface

SWIP est une boîte à outils développée par Sylvain Pasquet qui fournit un workflow intégré pour l’inversion et le profilage de la dispersion des ondes de surface, récemment appliqué avec succès à l’imagerie de la zone critique. Un tutoriel a été publié en géophysique : Sylvain Pasquet et Ludovic Bodet (2017). « SWIP: An integrated workflow for surface-wave dispersion inversion and […]

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SWIP: An integrated workflow for surface-wave dispersion inversion and profiling

The simultaneous estimation of 2D pressure (P-) and S-wave velocities (VP and VS, respectively) is a promising approach for imaging subsurface mechanical properties. It can be performed with a single acquisition setup by combining P-wave refraction and surface-wave (SW) analysis. Although SW methods are commonly applied for the 1D estimation of VS, 2D profiling requires the implementation of specific processing […]

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CRITEX, Guide de la R&D, 2016

CRITEX est un projet financé par le Programme d’Investissements d’Avenir visant le développement de capteurs pour l’étude de la zone critique de la Terre, c’est à dire cette zone comprise entre le ciel et les profondeurs de la Terre sur laquelle l’humanité vit, dont elle se nourrit et où elle stocke ses déchets. Ce programme associe plusieurs organismes de recherche […]

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SHYDRO2GEO-Spatialisation des paramètres hydrologiques à l’aide de méthodes géophysiques et géostatistiques

La recherche sur la zone critique (ZC) est une condition préalable pour aborder les problèmes liés aux services écosystémiques dont dépendent les sociétés humaines (cycle des nutriments, approvisionnement en eau et qualité). Cependant, si la partie supérieure de la ZC (végétation, sol, eau de surface) est facilement accessible, la connaissance souterraine reste limitée, en raison du caractère ponctuel des observations […]

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Small-Scale Seismic Monitoring of Varying Water Levels in Granular Media

Papers - Publications scientifiques

Physical properties of soils in the vadose zone, and especially their water content, are characterized by strong spatial and temporal variations mostly driven by weather and anthropogenic activities. To understand this variability and help water resource management, seismic methods have been recently suggested as a complement to electrical and electromagnetic techniques. The simultaneous in situ estimation of pressure (P) and […]

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2D characterization of near-surface VP/VS: surface-wave dispersion inversion versus refraction tomography

Papers - Publications scientifiques

The joint study of pressure (P-) and shear (S-) wave velocities (VP and VS), as well as their ratio (VP/VS), has been used for many years at large scales but remains marginal in near-surface applications. For these applications, VP and VS are generally retrieved with seismic refraction tomography combining P and SH (shear-horizontal) waves, thus requiring two separate acquisitions. Surface-wave […]

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Integrated Workflow for Surface-wave Dispersion Inversion and Profiling

Papers - Publications scientifiques

While surface-wave prospecting methods are classically applied for the one-dimensional (1D) estimation of shear (S-) wave velocities (Vs), two-dimensional (2D) profiling still requires implementing specific processing and inversion tools that are not yet widely available in the community. We present here a free and open-source tool performing surface-wave inversion and profiling (SWIP) in order to retrieve 2D lateral variations of […]

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Interpretation of magnetic resonance measurements in the varying earth’s magnetic field

Papers - Publications scientifiques

At the scale of a magnetic resonance sounding (MRS) field setup, the earth’s magnetic field in the subsurface may vary laterally with depth and over time. These variations can be caused by different natural factors and generally cannot be compensated for by accurate tuning of the measuring device. The varying geomagnetic field (GMF) causes nonresonance conditions of excitation that affect […]

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Presentation of a Complex Permittivity-Meter with Applications for Sensing the Moisture and Salinity of a Porous Media

Papers - Publications scientifiques

This paper describes a sensor dedicated to measuring the vertical profile of the complex permittivity and the temperature of any medium in which sensor electrodes are inserted. Potential applications are the estimate of the humidity and salinity in a porous medium, such as a soil. It consists of vertically-stacked capacitors along two conductive parallel cylinders of 5 cm in diameter and at a 10-cm […]

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